Thursday, September 25, 2008

Sweet Freedom!!!

And my lil sister at graduation-who isn't quite little anymore!!! She just started colledge and we don't get to see her as much, but I hope she has fun for all of us stuck at work:) LUV YA!!!


Celtic Rock Chic said...

Your sister looks familiar....

Kamille and Jeff Topham said...

wow she has grown up. I can't even believe how time flys.

Bonnie Young said...

Holly Crap, your sister has grown up soooo much. Now I know that we've been out in the real world for 11 years, but I have never felt so old as I do right now. She was so little and now she's a woman. Man how time flys. Tell Cassie good luck and your parents I said Hi. On second thought its been so long no one probably remembers me. Miss ya!!!